Thursday, June 27, 2013

Oatmeal Cookies

Simple oatmeal cookies are always a perfect choice when I crave for something sweet but not overwhelming. They're quick to make, keep for many days and are easily portable. These are very crispy around the edges and slightly chewy in the middle with a buttery, oaty taste. Simplicity wins!

Oatmeal Cookies
200g butter, softened
200g brown sugar
1 egg
125g flour
2 1/2 cup quick oats
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt

1) Beat the butter until light and fluffy. Add brown sugar and beat until incorporated. Add in the egg.

2) In another bowl, mix together the flour, oats, baking soda and salt.

3) Mix the dry ingredients into the butter mixture.

4) Preheat oven to 180C.

5) Form the dough into balls and flatten a little bit. Leave some space for them to spread during baking. Bake for 15-18 minutes or until golden brown around the edges and slightly soft in the middle.


  1. With all the crazy concoctions out there...sometimes there really is nothing better than simple oatmeal cookie!


  2. A simple oatmeal cookie can sometimes satisfy the craziest cravings (not that I am speaking from experience . . .:)
    These look gorgeous and delicious!

    1. Agree, a simple oatmeal cookie can be a rescuer :)
      Thank you!

  3. Oh, what a cute dish!! Simple, but I love it!!

    I love oat cookies. See them at the store, and I have to buy. Find a recipe, and I have to try. Obsession :P

    The worst of them is that... they're really easy to make!! I love them with a few chips or white or dark chocolate!!

    Yours have a really nice golden colour!! I always have to cover them, because if ot, I burn then before cooking. It's my oven. Don't laught, it's true!! It doesn't mind, in my oven, 160 or 180º, the same, they'll burn if I don't cover soon.
    But at my mum's oven (bigger than mine), I use same recipe, and they go cute.

    I want to try your recipe!!

    1. I think I have the same obsession! Actually I'm obsessed with all things oatmeal.
      I understand! My oven isn't perfect also because everything burns in the back. So I try not to place my cookies there. :D I just hope someday I'll get a better oven (with a grill function ;DD)
      You may add some fruits or chocolate to these cookies but I think they're very good plain! :)

  4. Thanks for sharing , did you use an electric mixer or spatula and bowl?

    1. I used spatula and bowl. But I believe there's no difference!

  5. I just mixed my's quite that how it's suppose to be? should I refrigerate it a little? I don't know where I went wrong...pls help...asap

    1. Are you sure you measured the correct amount of flour? Or maybe added a little more butter? If not, you may try to refrigerate it a little. Or simply add more flour to the dough, though try not to add too much or the cookies will be hard. Hope this helps. Please tell me how they turn out!

  6. Just made these!! at 4AM! they are so simple and delicious! I've reduced the sugar by 30%, added chocolate chucks and vanilla essence, i guess that's as healthy as it gets! Thanks for the recipe! Will be making these over and over again!

    1. So glad you like them! And wow, 4am! You must have been very hungry to make these at night!


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